
Farel, Calvin, Beza, Knox (Quelle: Pixabay)
Our vision/ goals
AERT seeks to empower individuals and institutions to share the Gospel, the best message in the world, in a competent and culturally relevant way. To this end, we promote qualifying training, worldwide networking and multiplicatio.
Our values
There is an "other" (ετερÏŒς) gospel, what Apostle Paul had called in Galatians 1, 6-9, which emphasizes that faith in Christ alone is not enough to be saved, but one must do works of the law for this, i.e. Jesus plus Alpha, which is still present in different faiths in various forms from the time of Paul through the Middle Ages until today.
Theological education, however, must not offer this "other" gospel, but the gospel of Christ (Gal 1:7) with all clarity. We are not only faithful to the Bible in this regard, but also confessional, if you will, more specifically Lutheran-Calvinist. Why? Because we believe that it brings the truth of the gospel of Christ most closely and clearly to light. We therefore commit to teaching within this Lutheran Reformed doctrine and tradition in all curricula and courses offered. However, we welcome students of any denomination who are willing to respect our confession.
Advantages and strength
Aware of tradition and identity
Theology and faith practice are inseparable. This is our conviction. If you study Amish theology, for example, you have an Amish style of faith. This is true for all theological directions. Our important concern is to preserve the good Lutheran and Calvinist doctrine, tradition, strength and identity and to pass on this style of belief and form of faith to the people. To this end, we have already prepared a contextualized and inculturated curriculum for Lutheran Reformebed theology.
An extra-occupational study is supposed to make it possible for working people to study alongside their job. But many academies and seminaries are usually unable to make theological studies compatible with a full-time job. They demand too much participation in the courses. With us it is different! There is no compulsory attendance. We attach absolute importance to the self-study of the participants. In consultation with the personal study mentor (a theologian with professorial and doctoral degrees), the student works out his or her current learning load step by step, i.e. individually supervised. Whether in the mission or at the desk at home, study achievements can be achieved in this way.
Crediting of previous knowledge
Many churches and ministries train their employees at a high level, but this internal training is often not recognized. At AERT, it is possible to have certain training courses evaluated for their academic content and thus be credited toward course credit.
Whether you are an early riser or a night owl... here you can study at your own pace. Each student determines his or her own pace of learning and is not forced into a school building or an imposed schedule. The entry into the education and training program is thus open to everyone and is individually designed.
Teaching and practice combined
A spiritual ministry involves not only teaching but also living. Therefore, our education aims at comprehensive preparation for spiritual ministry. We do not only want a theological study, but we cultivate what we have learned already during the time of study. Therefore we offer contacts to the Lutheran Reformed congregations where this teaching was practiced.
The fact that we value education is shown by the fact that we keep costs low. The academy provides its services on a voluntary basis, so we strive to combine high competence with low administrative costs. We also help students with scholarships.